
Digital identification once - legally valid digital signature many times over.

How does it work? With the Digital Signing Service - Intrum Primosign

Our value proposition:

  • Simple and proven solution for digitally signing legally valid contracts even when working from home: anytime and anywhere
  • Conclude legally valid project contracts, sign offers, rental contracts, supplier contracts, employment references, diplomas, etc.
  • Simple, fast, secure, cost-effective, maximum efficiency: eSigning enables business to continue remotely
  • Together with QuoVadis, our partner for online signatures, Intrum supports SMEs and large companies
  • No complicated or lengthy preparatory work required

Process flow:

  1. Information on the process
  2. Start the VideoIdent process and sign the application form
  3. Send the access data and commissioning instructions to the customer's e-mail address and activation code via smartphone
  4. Customer installs the necessary signing components on their computer and smartphone
  5. Download and commission personal certificate by the customer

The customer can now legally sign PDF documents with Digital Signing Service.