Secure and simple identification of your customers

Digital identification plays a crucial role in the modern business world, especially when it comes to security, compliance and customer satisfaction. With our VideoIdent, AutoIdent and OnlineIdent services, we ensure that you will find the right solution for every requirement.

VideoIdent: Provides personal and secure identification through a live video connection, ideal for services that require a high level of security.

AutoIdent: Enables automatic identification using AI technology that checks ID documents in real time, perfect for fast and scalable processes.

OnlineIdent: A flexible online identification solution specially developed for the financial sector that integrates seamlessly into your digital platforms and combines user convenience with security.

A solution for every requirement

A suitable solution for every application

Our range of identification methods offers the right solution for every security requirement and application. From personal interaction with VideoIdent, to fast and efficient automation with AutoIdent, to flexible and user-friendly OnlineIdent for the financial sector - we cover the entire spectrum of digital identification. Our services are not only easy to use and integrate, but also fulfil the highest security and compliance requirements.

“Find out more about our identification solutions and how they can improve the security and efficiency of your business processes.”