Your platform for secure digital signatures

In today's digital world, the ability to digitise and simplify processes is crucial to business success. Our signing solutions offer an innovative way to facilitate the identification and signing of documents.

eSign: Personal identification and signing in real time via video chat

AutoIdent with QES: Automatic identification and signing processes around the clock

eSign: fulfilment of legal standards for electronic signatures

AutoIdent with QES: Provision of a qualified electronic signature that fulfils the highest security requirements

Signing solutions

With our advanced signing solutions eSign and AutoIdent with QES, we are setting new standards in digital identification and document signing. eSign combines the personal touch of a video chat with the security and efficiency of an electronic signature. Ideal for transactions that require a high level of customer proximity and trust. AutoIdent with QES, on the other hand, offers a fully automated solution for the fast and secure verification of identities and the provision of a qualified electronic signature, perfect for companies that process high volumes of transactions.

“Discover how our solutions can transform your business processes.”